ME and Ophelia

Monday, September 29, 2003

By Susan Clark, The Sunday Times, Style Magazine, September 28, 2003

I have been following the Atkins diet for several months, but am now concerned by publicity about its potentially damaging side effects. I do not want to stop it, because I am losing weight, but is there anything I can take to protect me from the risks? Name and address withheld

The high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet is designed to induce a state of ketosis, whereby the body has to burn fat instead of carbohydrates to release energy. Ketosis gives rise to the production of ketones, by-products of fat metabolism that can cause nausea, fatigue and tissue damage.

In addition, a high-fat diet, especially one high in saturated fats from red meats, can increase the risk of heart disease.

So, if you plan to stay on this diet, you need a supplement that can confer cardiovascular protection. I recommend taking a tissue-protecting American supplement called All Natural Perfectly Balanced, made by Natural Nutrition Center, which is available in the UK exclusively from Victoria Health (£23.95 for 100 tablets; take one tablet three times a day).

As well as providing all the vitamins and minerals you would expect to get in a normal balanced diet, it includes the chlorophyll-rich "superfoods" spirulina and wheatgrass, to boost energy levels, and heart-protecting fatty acids, garlic and ginseng. It also contains liver-protecting milk-thistle and probiotic acidophilus, which aids digestion and prevents bloating, making it a useful adjunct to any weight-management programme.

For more information on natural health, visit Susan Clark's website, What Really Works.

Before following any medical or dietary advice in this column, please consult your GP if you suffer from any health problems or special conditions, or are in doubt as to its suitability.
_ _ _
After reading part of US FDA/CFSAN Dietary Supplements, I prefer this alternative, outlined in my post on September 24: "Eat ten fruit and veggies a day, if you are looking for an alternative to the Atkins diet".


Refresh green vegetables in ice-cold water after cooking to keep the chlorophyll. which is packed with nutrients. Also, store vegetable trimmings in a bag in the freezer until you have enough to prepare vegetable stock. This is a good base for noodle dishes when soy sauce is added to it.
Christian Delteil, managing director of Bank Restaurant Group.

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 9/29/2003
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