ME and Ophelia

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Thanks to BLOGGER for fixing my Permalinks

Happy *sigh*. Emails are pinging into my Inbox again. Some are three days old. But better late than never.

BLOGGER's reply arrived with good, bad, great and stupendous news.

The bad news is that they cannot advise me on how to open the comments box on this page because they do not provide support for third-party applications. I can read the comments by logging in to BlogSpeak but can't write a reply. This is the thing I am most disappointed over, as I was hoping to get some two-way dialogue going here.

The good news is that they know why my Permalinks were not working: my template was missing some of the code needed for Permalinks to work correctly.

The great news is that they've already fixed this in my blog by adding: $BlogItemNumber$ to my Blogger code as well as the $BlogItemPermalinkURL$ tag. If anyone else has had this problem, and needs more information, please visit the Blogger Knowledge Base.

The stupendous news is that although BloggerPro upgrade is no longer available, and there is a BlogSpot Plus upgrade which is associated with hosting space - they've assured me not to worry about running out of space on my free BlogSpot as there is not a space limitation put in place currently.

Wow, or what?!

Thanks for all that to BLOGGER and Support Technician Christine. It's good to see there's at least one female amongst all the Jasons over there at BLOGGER ;-)

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 10/28/2003
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