ME and Ophelia

Friday, September 09, 2005

Posted by Vint Cerf

Historic news in a post today at Google Blog ... by Vint Cerf!

[Note, Vinton G Cerf is one of the three founding fathers of the Internet. Up until recently he worked for many years at MCI and had a web page called Cerf's Up. He is not a very wealthy man. Click here to read a post I wrote in August 2003, a month after I discovered blogging, about an email I sent him, and the reply I received]

"The news is out that I will join Google on October 3 as Chief Internet Evangelist (I tried for Archduke, but it didn't work). What I really like about Eric, Larry, Sergey and the whole Google family is its collective and eminent practicality and seemingly boundless creativity. In fact, my recent interactions with many of Google's senior staff have simply underscored my admiration for the extraordinary talent at Google that has been assembled in a short amount of time. Google has come so far since the early days!

Among other things, I am committed to the vision of Google's criticality to the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people. The public Internet and the growing cadre of corporate virtual private networks are already enablers of Google applications. As information pours into the Internet from all sides, Google tools will become, if they are not already, indispensable.

I appreciate deeply the opportunity to become part of the Google family and to do what I can to contribute to its future.

See you on the 'Net!"
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Vinton G. Cerf

Photo: Vinton G. Cerf (MCI)

Note, Vint (the Internet's two other founding fathers are Robert E Khan and top British physicist Tim Berners-Lee who btw gave up a personal fortune so the web could be freely used by everyone) has been hard of hearing for a number of years and does a tremendous amount of great work for those who suffer similar disabilities.

To me, the Internet is a God send. Hardly a day goes by without my counting it as a blessing and being truly appreciative. It has revolutionised my life.

Read previous post "Fathers of the Internet - Getting the net off the ground and internetting" March 5, 2005.

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 9/09/2005
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